Refugees, survivors and ex-detainees - Guide for Artists

RISE, the organisation for Refugees, Survivors and Ex-Detainees in Australia has developed powerful checklist of points for artists who are thinking of working with their community, showing how to use relational ethics to support self-determination. They should not be used without crediting RISE. Terra Nova was introduced to them by Tania Cañas, who has written about these tips in Ethics and Self-Determination in The Relationship is the Project (Brow Books, Australia, 2020).

  • Process is not product.  We are not a resource to feed into your next artistic project.  You may be talented at your particular craft but do not assume that this automatically translates to an ethical, responsible and self-determining process. 

  • Understand community cultural development methodology but also understand that it is not a foolproof methodology.  Who and what institutions are benefiting from the exchange?

  • Critically interrogate your intention. Our struggle is not an opportunity, or our bodies a currency, by which to build your career.  Rather than merely focusing on the 'other' (where do I find refugees? etc), subject your own intention to critical, reflexive analysis.  What is your motivation to work with this particular subject matter? Why at this particular time?

  • Realise your own privilege.  What biases and intentions (even if you consider these 'good' intentions) do you carry with you?

  • What social positionality (and power) do you bring to the space?  Know how much space you take up.  Know when to step back.

  • Participation is not always progressive or empowering.  Your project may have elements of participation, but know how this can just as easily be limiting, tokenistic and condescending.  Your demands on our community to share our stories may be just as easily disempowering. 

  • What frameworks have you already imposed on participation?  What power dynamics are you reinforcing with such a framework?  What relationships are you creating (eg informant vs expert, enunciated vs enunciator).

  • Presentation vs representation.  Know the difference!

  • It is not a safe space just because you say it is.  This requires long-term grassroots work, solidarity and commitment.

  • Do not expect us to be grateful.  We are not your next interesting arts project.  OUr community are not sitting waiting for our struggle to be acknowledged by your individual consciousness nor highlighted through your art practice.

  • Do not reduce us to an issue. We are whole humans with various experiences, knowledge and skills.  We can speak on many things; do not reduce us to one narrative.

  • Do your research.  Know solidarity work already being done.  Know the nuanced differences between organisations and projects.  Just because we may work with the same community doesn't mean we work in the same way.

  • Art is not neutral.  Our community has been politicised and any art work done with/by us is inherently political. If you wish to build with our community, know your artistic practice cannot be neutral.

    If you make use of these tips, you must credit RISE.